Cutter Community Conversation: Data Cataloguing/Documentation
Oct 4 Wed · 2023 8:00am - 8:50am GMT+11


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Cutter's member community is our industry's premier online forum for collaboration among peer firms. And when our online community discussions warrant digging a little deeper, we hold a Community Conversation.

During this Community Conversation, Cutter members will discuss their motivations for data cataloguing tool use cases. To frame the conversation, we will consider the following questions:

  • Do you simply want to implement a documentation tool? Or are you seeking to integrate a tool into your data platform that discovers data, provides transparency to lineage, and allows consumers to govern their usage according to the data's intended purpose and usage rules?
  • What is the risk/cost of data usage if your firm is out of compliance with data usage rules in market data agreements?
  • What is the risk/cost if your firm includes the incorrect data element on a client's update or a pitch deck because the data element lacked proper labeling?



David Joyce

Director of Client Experience

Lisa Masten

Consulting Principal – Data and Analytics

Whether developing operational strategies that drive meaningful value, or evaluating, selecting, and implementing systems, Cutter is here to help.